Kicking the “old me” down the stairs….

I met the old me in the kitchen today–she was busy cleaning and doing laundry and whatever she could to avoid -err, delay–actually exercising. “I’ll exercise in the afternoon” was the rationale. To tell you the truth, she really annoyed me!! So I kicked her down the stairs to the basement…where the treadmill is. The really weird thing–she liked it down there. I cranked the music up since no one was home to object–heavy on percussion and she just zoned out and it was over before she realized!

Alright, so seriously–despite my good intentions it was just a bit of a mental challenge this morning but I was really glad I was strong enough mentally to see it through and do the right thing–the Smart Choice! I chose a Podrunner called “Restless” at 139 bpm which for me works out to be a 4.0 mph pace. Brief warm up with intro at 3.5 mph/ 2% incline and then got right onto the 4.0 pace, with and without incline. I set the time for 40 minutes but I really did zone out to the beat and movement and honestly lost blocks of time since I was so “in sync” with my body today.

I followed with the abwork, changing it up just a bit. I have to admit it–they were tough today! I felt every crunch-especially #10-25!

So the stats:

Podrunner “Restless” 139 bpm

Treadmill time :40 minutes

Pace 3.5 (warmup ) then 4.0 mph

Incline 0-2%, alternating

Distance 2.653 miles

Caloric burn: 307 (per treadmill)

Ab/core work:

Crunches with ball–1 set 25 reps

Reverse curl with ball–1 set 25 rep

“rope climb”-1 set 25 reps

Standing side bends with weight (10# dumbells)-1 set 25 reps each side

I have to say I can’t wait until Saturday!! I may just walk again in the morning I feel so motivated–going to blow the 100 minutes out of the park!

I won’t be home on Saturday so I am packing my gear including my Forerunner305 which is now fully charged and my ipod nano (the old kind!) so I can stay on top of stats….looking forward to beach walking and around the gorgeous riverfront properties…

See you tomorrow for updates and motivation! ~Janice


Countdown to 48

It occurred to me the other day–I have about 5 weeks until I turn 48. Not so old really, but I am using it a motivational goal–to consistently eat better and exercise to enter that year as my healthiest yet.

So starting tomorrow I will be posting daily thoughts and actions on the blog as a “Countdown to 48″….join me by sharing your thoughts on the blog—keep me motivated/ hold me accountable to do this awesome thing: give myself the Gift of Health!


I actually started yesterday so I will count it toward my goals……

This week:

Tuesday/ Thursday / Saturday–minimum 30 mintes fast pace walking plus minimum 100 ab repetitions ( combination of 4 @25 rep each)…this should work out to about 100 minutes of exercise this week.


I took a pre-work nap and then got up and hit the treadmill:

30 minutes of active time  with a warm up at 3.5 mph/1% incline and then worked at 3.8-4.0 mph/ 0-1% incline.

1.94 miles / 216 caloric burn per machine

Podrunner “Easy Does it” at 139 bpm


Abs–with Bender Ball:

crunches with ball under / at base of spine–1 set 25 reps

reverse curls -squeeze ball between knees with ankles crossed–1 set 25 reps

“rope climbs” (Does anyone know the real name?)–lay on back, legs up/feet flat and reach up to outer edge of feet with opposite arm while squeezing ball between feet–1 set 25 reps

obliques–ball under side of ab and do oblique crunches–1 set 25 reps


I have to confess–my outer glutes are sore today!!  I also walked a lot at work last night and use  Reebok Easytones as a RN to keep my feet comfortable–double workout!


So–motivation and accountability are welcome. Feel free to offer advice, suggestions and thoughts!! I’ll try to get some pictures done so you can see the progress and results!! ~Janice

9/5/12– Cardio and Core

Today was definitely a sweaty day! There is just something satisfying about getting sweaty; knowing you are making enough energy within that it shows up on the outside!

I was on my own (unless you count the animals) since school started back up here today and the hubby was at work. What to do with myself? Aside from cleaning that is. Treadmill, bike, or video?

I chose the bike. I really do like our recumbent bike. It is very comfortable and sturdy. It is totally non-electric meaning you can’t cheat–if you don’t pedal it does not stay powered up and record your workout…I like feedback so I keep pedaling.

Today’s Stats:


Time–45 minutes

Program–started with the “interval 2” setting but decided to try the “plateau” one–definitely not ready for that one yet–RL escalates quickly to a level 7! Returned to interval 2 after about 5 minutes .

Music–Podrunner BPM 132 “Everybody  skips”

Avg speed-15.5-16.5 mph


Distance 12.0 miles

Caloric burn–190 cals

THR (training heart rate) range=112-138

AHR (average heart rate)  130s

RPE (rate percieved exertion)-5-6/10

Let me tell you I wanted to stop several times but you know what stopped me? Sweating!

Just the fact that there was a fine sheen of sweat on my arms and legs kept me going. Yea, I know its weird but you had to be there I guess.


I used a “Bender ball”.  It adds to your ROM (range of motion) and allows a crunch to include a back extension.  You can use a kids play ball but I’ve had this one for a while.

Crunches/ extensions–1 set 25 reps (the last 10 were hard!) (ball is behind your lower back)

Reverse curl –1 st 25 reps (ball goes between raised knees and you squeeze the ball while doing the curl)

“Toe reaches” 1 set 25 reps (legs raised and straight with ball between feet and squeezed while using opposite arm/hand to reach to outside of foot)

Needless to say, my abs are a little out of shape but once I get back into my routine….they won’t be!

SO–critique, comments, advice?

9/4/12 Cardio: Treadmill

Cardio today:

Treadmill–at the gym

Time: 30 minutes

Pace:  2 minute warm up at 3.5 mph then 23 minutes at 4.0 then 5 minutes at 4.2 mph

Incline: 1% continual

Podrunner: 139 BPM

Distance: 2.0 miles

Caloric burn: 205

Overall–I had a really good time! The Podrunner was motivating and a good pace!

I’m thinking I am ready to start doing running intervals since I am not at all winded and my HR is in the low 120 range (MY range for age is 116-138 for heart rate)

Comments? Thoughts?

8/27/12–Recumbent Bike

Ok– so this is actually from a few days ago but…

I was short on time but wanted to do something before I took a nap for work (I work 12 hour nights) and wanted to make the most of my efforts….


Time–20 minutes

Distance– 5.5 miles


Program– Interval 2 (short rest and longer work plateaus)

Resistance Level (RL) -3 for recovery and 5 for work

Avg speed–17.2-17.5 mph

Music– Podrunner @ 139 BPM “Easy does it”

BTW– my pedometer for work showed 3.7 miles for my shift as well !

Critique? Comments? Suggestions?