Kicking the “old me” down the stairs….

I met the old me in the kitchen today–she was busy cleaning and doing laundry and whatever she could to avoid -err, delay–actually exercising. “I’ll exercise in the afternoon” was the rationale. To tell you the truth, she really annoyed me!! So I kicked her down the stairs to the basement…where the treadmill is. The really weird thing–she liked it down there. I cranked the music up since no one was home to object–heavy on percussion and she just zoned out and it was over before she realized!

Alright, so seriously–despite my good intentions it was just a bit of a mental challenge this morning but I was really glad I was strong enough mentally to see it through and do the right thing–the Smart Choice! I chose a Podrunner called “Restless” at 139 bpm which for me works out to be a 4.0 mph pace. Brief warm up with intro at 3.5 mph/ 2% incline and then got right onto the 4.0 pace, with and without incline. I set the time for 40 minutes but I really did zone out to the beat and movement and honestly lost blocks of time since I was so “in sync” with my body today.

I followed with the abwork, changing it up just a bit. I have to admit it–they were tough today! I felt every crunch-especially #10-25!

So the stats:

Podrunner “Restless” 139 bpm

Treadmill time :40 minutes

Pace 3.5 (warmup ) then 4.0 mph

Incline 0-2%, alternating

Distance 2.653 miles

Caloric burn: 307 (per treadmill)

Ab/core work:

Crunches with ball–1 set 25 reps

Reverse curl with ball–1 set 25 rep

“rope climb”-1 set 25 reps

Standing side bends with weight (10# dumbells)-1 set 25 reps each side

I have to say I can’t wait until Saturday!! I may just walk again in the morning I feel so motivated–going to blow the 100 minutes out of the park!

I won’t be home on Saturday so I am packing my gear including my Forerunner305 which is now fully charged and my ipod nano (the old kind!) so I can stay on top of stats….looking forward to beach walking and around the gorgeous riverfront properties…

See you tomorrow for updates and motivation! ~Janice


Countdown to 48

It occurred to me the other day–I have about 5 weeks until I turn 48. Not so old really, but I am using it a motivational goal–to consistently eat better and exercise to enter that year as my healthiest yet.

So starting tomorrow I will be posting daily thoughts and actions on the blog as a “Countdown to 48″….join me by sharing your thoughts on the blog—keep me motivated/ hold me accountable to do this awesome thing: give myself the Gift of Health!


I actually started yesterday so I will count it toward my goals……

This week:

Tuesday/ Thursday / Saturday–minimum 30 mintes fast pace walking plus minimum 100 ab repetitions ( combination of 4 @25 rep each)…this should work out to about 100 minutes of exercise this week.


I took a pre-work nap and then got up and hit the treadmill:

30 minutes of active time  with a warm up at 3.5 mph/1% incline and then worked at 3.8-4.0 mph/ 0-1% incline.

1.94 miles / 216 caloric burn per machine

Podrunner “Easy Does it” at 139 bpm


Abs–with Bender Ball:

crunches with ball under / at base of spine–1 set 25 reps

reverse curls -squeeze ball between knees with ankles crossed–1 set 25 reps

“rope climbs” (Does anyone know the real name?)–lay on back, legs up/feet flat and reach up to outer edge of feet with opposite arm while squeezing ball between feet–1 set 25 reps

obliques–ball under side of ab and do oblique crunches–1 set 25 reps


I have to confess–my outer glutes are sore today!!  I also walked a lot at work last night and use  Reebok Easytones as a RN to keep my feet comfortable–double workout!


So–motivation and accountability are welcome. Feel free to offer advice, suggestions and thoughts!! I’ll try to get some pictures done so you can see the progress and results!! ~Janice

Buttermilk Bread–Updated–>Buttermilk Wheat Bread!

So we really loved the Buttermilk Bread!! This is without a doubt the easiest and best bread for toast or sandwiches! It holds up well as thin slices for sandwiches and nice thick ones for toast!  But I wanted to play with it a bit to add a bit more ‘health’ to it–and it worked!

#Smart Choices Healthy Living Buttermilk Wheat Bread

Buttermilk Wheat Bread–just as good as the Original!

Take a look at the original recipe for instructions but switch the flour to

3 cups white bread flour

3 cups white whole wheat flour

Use all the same proportions and directions for the original one. wheat breadEven with the wheat flour it still rises really nicely!

I used a big loaf pan with a springform so I could make it higher for sandwiches. It really rose well–almost too well! I baked this one just a little less (375*F for 30 minutes) since it was a longer loaf.

#Smart Choices Healthy Living Buttermilk Wheat Bread
Buttermilk Wheat Bread–just as good as the Original!

Smart Choice, Healthy Living– Recipe: Homemade Mac and Cheese, Updated

#mac and cheese, light
All the creaminess of homemade but without all the guilt!

I have been in such a mood for homemade “mac and cheese” but I knew I really did not want our old version; while it was thick and creamy it was also loaded with fat and heavy. I wanted to retain the feel and richness but without the guilt. I think I’m there! I’ve tried finding an alternative to the Velveeta but it does add enough to the taste and feel that I’ve left it in place. Some of the changes: browning the butter, reducing the cheese, adding skim milk, adding Melba toast topping.

Smart Choice, Healthy Living “Mac” and Cheese

2 Tbs butter

4 Tbs flour

4 cups milk (I used 2 c skim, 2 cup 1% but you could use all of one kind)

freshly ground pepper to taste (about 1/4 – 1/2 tsp)

4 oz Cabot Seriously Sharp Cheddar, freshly shredded

4 oz part skim Mozzarella cheese, freshly shredded

4 oz 2% (or light) Velveeta, cubed

1 lb pasta, I prefer cavaptelli  over elbow or shells but either works.

Garlic Melba toasts, crushed (about 1/4 -1/2 cup), optional

Preheat oven to 400*F, spray a large pan (9×13 is good) with non-stick.

Cook pasta according to box instructions. Drain when cooked to preferred firmness ( al dente is good).

In a heavy bottom sauce pan melt the butter and allow it to brown just a bit, being careful that it does not burn. With a whisk make a roux by sprinkling the flour on the butter and whisking until it appears dry. Slowly whisk in milk until the flour is fully incorporated. Add pepper and stir occasionally until it starts to thicken. Add in cheddar until melted and then Velvetta and mozzarella cheeses. Add drained pasta to the pan and stir well to combine. Pour into prepared pan and sprinkle on the crushed Melba toasts if using.

Place in pre-heated oven and heat until bubbling, about 15 minutes. Remove from oven and allow to cool for 5-10 minutes.

This was my “original” mac and cheese….new post to follow with the healthier version!

Not Just a Small Town Girl

I’ll admit it: Homemade mac ‘n cheese is new to me.   I honestly never knew you could make it in the oven or even from scratch.  When I was growing up we always made it from the box-either Kraft or ShopRite brand-and cooked it on the stovetop. The kind with the orange powdered cheese you add in after the macaroni is cooked. Truthfully it was not bad, but I really did not have a perspective about it; I had nothing to compare it to. It was quick, cheap and easy to make for a family.

Homemade mac n cheese:  Wonderful, golden, gooey …true comfort food.

My daughters asked me if we could make it this year—Sarah had made it in “Home and Careers” (aka home ec) and liked it.  Meg has the “Gourmet mac n cheese” at TGIFridays and I found a recipe online that it was based on. Boy…

View original post 427 more words

Smart Choice Method: Guideline #4–Eat Food you like!

The  way to stay motivated about eating right is to eat the things you enjoy!

I mean it–really! who in their right minds would stay on a food plan (aka diet) that restricts you from the things you like and makes you eat strange food and sometimes weird food combinations that you don’t enjoy? I know I would not last long at all.  I think that may be the main reason that I don’t identify my eating plan with any one “diet”–I think they all have good points but are too restrictive for most people.  One thing to remember: this is MY understanding and perception of how nutrition works.  I’ve been looking at “nutrition” for a long time and have seen fads come and go, most of which make no sense in hindsight.

Our bodies are meant to be balanced with carbohydrates, proteins and fats along with fluids.  When we eliminate anyone one group or focus on any one ‘nutrient’ or ingredient it throws things out of balance. We needs carbohydrates for immediate energy, its the easiest source our bodies have. Yes, our bodies store the excess unused energy in our muscles and as fat but its a little harder to get easy access to. Protein is a great source of repair for our muscles but doesn’t really offer a quick way to get energized and sometimes slows down other bodily functions because it takes longer to break down and digest. Fat is great for neurological function, healthy hair and nails but also has its negative effects when the harmful fats are out of balance.  When we balance these out in the right proportions our bodies can do more than we ask of it!

#healthy snacks#smartchoiceshealthyliving.comBut I digress, the point is that if I told you that in order to lose weight you can only eat vegetables–and no forms of protein- for the next two weeks you just might be able to do it. Maybe. But are you learning how to properly supply nutrition to your body? I think if I were to say, ok–you can also have some protein( peanut/ nut butters, eggs, cheese, hummus) that you would be able to last a bit longer.  But are you happy with these limitations? Not for a long term way of eating, not for good! By being so drastic with something that should be giving us both nourishment and pleasure we’ve already created an major road block.

Guideline #4: Eating should be fun and enjoyable.

There are so many healthy and good tasting foods –and ways to make them so they are enhanced– that you should never have to be bored with eating! You can take the most mundane foods–say broccoli, carrots and cauliflower and add a little olive oil and spices and roast them in the oven–they are totally changed in character and taste than when they went in the oven!

#roasted vegetables

Vegetables roasted in the oven with a little olive oil and spices–delicious!

There is truly no reason to eat something you dislike! There are multiple options when you eat healthy. There are some foods that no matter what you do to them I still have no interest in them. That is ok though–find something else that gives you similar nutrition and you are back to being balanced. My daughter has become a vegetarian and has no interest in animal protein–I am fine with that so long as she eats food that will give her the things she needs to maintain her health; she eats nut butters, eggs, yogurt and occasionally tofu.  She does not like dairy milk so she has almond milk instead.

Eating Healthy

One of the nice things with her becoming a vegetarian is that I have also learned alot more about “alternate” nutrition sources and we’ve found many recipes that we can share or alter to fit our needs. Cooking does not require a fancy degree or education, just a willingness to try something new and be open to options. I can tell you not all of our recipes have been winners–some because of personal taste preferences and some just because they are not something we are willing to make again but by being open to things I’ve found a whole new world of food choices. Grains are a huge untapped source of nutrition most of us never even think of: quinoa, wheat berries, lentils, and barley just to name a few.

So the point: find things you do like to eat and make them a part of your plan. Don’t eat the things you don’t like but  find alternates to replace them. Easy as that.  Eat real food, not food products. Learn what food tastes like in its most natural state and you’ll understand better how to improve on it. Eat what you need to keep your body functioning, not eat to excess.

Have you been eating food you enjoy or just food to survive? Do you abide by ‘the rules of your diet’ or do you “cheat” because they are restrictive? Are you eating for Life and making Smart Choices?


Image Disclaimer: the food images are my own but the first and last image were obtained on Google Images, my thanks to their creators!

Smart Choices, Healthy Living….will return tomorrow

Pardon for the delay this week in posting. Hurricane Sandy put a slight dent in my plans. No we did not lose power or have dramatic damage done to our home. Mine is more of a personal nature–I had a minor surgical procedure planned for Monday which got cancelled by the hospital for safety reasons. I did have the procedure but on Thursday so I am just a bit behind in posting.

Guideline #4 and some reflections about being a woman tomorrow. Thanks for your patience!!~Janice